In no particular order here it goes, take notes if you need to..
1. Always brush your teeth before you go to bed, I promise if you don't you will regrret it in the morning.
2. If you have nothing nice to say just don't say anything at all.
3. Shave your legs more often you will be glad you did.
4. Showers are overrated (Shout out to my oddly not smelly sister).
5. Don't judge other people we all have entirely different situations, different backgrounds, and most importantly different views.
6. Treat others how you would like to be treated, we say this daily in our house.
7. Always write things down my favorite spot is on the top of my hand, I promise you will forget the important things, and remember the not so important things. Ex. Olivia's Ballet Cothes need to be in the car before I leave the house, (Thank you mom on more then one occasion!)
8. On that note find a way to write down the memoriable moments you encounter with your kids, I just love the things that comes out of Brody's mouth, but unfortunatley I have trouble remembering Olivia's funny moments during her toddler years. Ex. Journal, blog, etc...
9. Take time to be lazy every once in a while, I promise nothing in the house will change while you are laying around (dishes, laundry, cleaning hint hint husbands).
10. On another note don't be to, too lazy you'll be frusterated when you look at your never ending to do list.
11. Act silly with your kids they need to see the playful side of you ex. Tag (I kick but), Monkey Bars (I suck), being a human punching, slash jumping bag on a trampoline (Love my Moore boys).
12.) People respect you more for what you don't do in some situations then what you do; do. ( Shhhh Don't tell my Dad one of his lectures during my teenage years actually sunk in to that pretty haired head of mine.)
13. ) Bills never go away (Even if I move they still find me!!)
14.) Random acts of kindness are wonderful. We all need them way more then your standard run of the mill Birthday Card. It is more fun to do the act, then to be the one reciving.
14.) Your metabilism truly does slow down after 30, I thought Heather was just being mean:(
15.) You know what you want to succeed in, have a Goal and go for it with all your might, take it from me regret is one of the worst feelings in the world.
16.) If you are cold in your house put socks on your feet, it really does work (thank you mom).
17.) Be impulsive have fun. Like driving a ranger into town on a 110 degree day. (See Avery I told you we would be fine.)
18.) Don't jam on your brakes when your car hits a patch of ice, it only makes it worse.
19.) Keep the junk food out of the house, it really does help. No junk food, no eat.
20.) You will never regret a workout, even if you do look like a crazy swamp monster with no make - up, at work that day.
21.) Take care of your body! I take pride in seeing all my close friends, and family staying healthy and active!
22.) Take tons of pictures, they always are able to capture something special, and I am guessing I might not be that skinny again.
23.) If it seems to good it probably is 99.999% of the time, all those work from home and make millions sites really bummed me out.
24.) My family and I suck at multi level marketing jobs (Where is my white mercades Arbone??) Stick to the basics, believe me your friends, family, and anyone mainly you come in contact with will thank you!
25.) Spend as much time with your family as you can, we never stop growing so we need to capture every age through ups and downs.
26.) Iron your clothes the night before. If you don't I promise you will be wearing a different outfit the next day.
27.) Take a mili second to change the toliet paper roll, I mean come on you are sitting there anyway!!
28.) Stay close with a least one childhood friend, they have a way of being the best advice givers, they know a side of you even your family doesn't and they aren't nearly as mean if you annoy them. Which you will ( I love you Kelli).
29.) I am virtually useless without spell check, and the phone book is totally stupid, and a waste of time.
30.) What you do everyday is more important then what you do sometimes.
31.) I got this one off my sisters inspiratioul websites. " Right now someone is running that is busier then you"
32.) Be extra nice to someone who is mad or frusterated with you, it resolves the conflct in half the time, and you always come out as the bigger person for not saying or doing mean things.
33.) Be humble saying your sorry, or I was totally in the wrong it really goes a long way.
34.) I really am a role model to my Olivia and Brody, darn that must mean I can't pick my nose anymore.
35.) No matter how you try to fight it you will eventually ack like your parents. Heather has now started saving used tissues (thanxs mom), And I can't believe I am whiping food off my childrens face with my saliva dipped finger (thanxs dad).
36.) No matter how old you get you will always need your parents, sorry mom, dad, and Linda. I do however blame my neediness on you guys because you never warned me how much being an adult would totally beyond all reason suck.
37.) I did however save the best for last, it is totally without a doubt true that your mother knows best!! So just stop wasting your time, and take the advice!!
Thats it there is what I know by 31!! And all this time people thought I wasn't listening.