Sunday, February 26, 2012

Time to Even out the Ages!

Last night I was laying in my bed wondering how I was going to start this post, and something odd accrued to me.  I have never really been a superstitious person, not really caring what date important things happened on.  However as I have gotten older, and my OCD tendencies have worsened, I have noticed my love for symmetry in everything I encounter.  Which then lead me to my investigation of even numbers... Olivia, and Brody both are completely surrounded by even numbers.  Years of birth 2004 and 2008, actual days of birth the 10th, and the 16th.  Olivia my beautiful precious daughter, and Brody my rip roaring tornado boy.  And lastly they are exactly four years apart in age.  Which leads me the 2012 birthday celebrations..

Olivia Alise (8)....
True to fashion Olivia wanted a horseback riding party, and could really care less about any other party detail.  " I want to go riding, and bring a couple friends" was all she spoke.  Done!!

The pictures pretty much say it all, we had a total blast!! Olivia turns into such a confident, little girl when she saddles a horse. I was beaming with pride the entire party, not only for her advanced riding skills, but for the fact I was lucky enough to be Olivia's mother for another year.

Next up Brody Stephen (4)...

Brody Bear was turning four, which to him meant no car seat, being able to shoot a gun like Avery, and calling any child younger (even if by a week) a baby. Brody had declared he wanted a Chuckie Cheese party, with a spiderman cake.  Without any surprise he wanted Avery, and Addy at his party and could really care less who else attended.  So off to Chuckie Cheese we went (or as Austin likes to call it the ses pool of bacteria and germs). 

The following weekend we joined together with the Kearney and Bjerkestrand side to continue on the Birthday festivities.  The Harlem Globetrotters were in town, and Derek and I thought that would a perfect event to take Brody to. 

Another month of birthdays had ended, and I am pretty sure I was able to score an A on the birthday celebration report card.  I know all parents say this, and undoubtedly so I just can't believe how old they both are becoming.  I am so so so fortunate to be their mother, and am totally enjoying everyday, every minute life with my two crazy babies brings.

Serendipity = January 21, 2012

The word serendipity is defined as something unexpected will happen that will bring you good luck, and fortune.  This word started out as one of my favorite movies, and then turned into my most favorite word, (I can even spell it without spell check),  and the arrival of Hadley Anne Moore has been just that!! It is funny how in life you have trouble remembering what you wore yesterday, or did you shut the garage door?? But there are other times like your wedding day, child's birth, etc. that will be forever stored in the VIP memories section of your brain.  I will never forget the day I found out about Hadley Anne....

Everybody says unexpected things happen in life, and you never know what will happen from one day to another. But I never gave any thought to something this wonderful.  Heather, and I were cruising along living the parenthood life, ready for what ever speed bumps may arrive, but starting to see that glimer, or ficker of light at the end of parenting a young child tunnel.  Avery was 10, and Addison almost 8, Olivia 7, and Brody Bear bring up our ca bus at 3.  I think at least with me there came a time when I just knew I was ready to parent Olivia, and Brody only.  I had all I could give, and wasn't willing nor wanting to share them with another sibling.  Heather as well seemed to be in this same spot. Taking in the life of a mother of two crazy boys, guns, dirt bikes, football, just to name a few.  Gradually as she evolved into this type of mother so did her appearance, less showers, sports clothing filling up her closet, zero make-up, and trying to keep her house fire proof, or destruction proof from Addison.  I had taken over having the girl in the family with the greatest of ease, and the major curve ball of my crazy Brody... Heather the mother of two beyond wonderful boys, that I am so so so proud to call my nephew's. So here we were trucking forward, blood, sweat, and tears. The summer of 2011 was moving along like normal, I was on summer break, the weather was; well you know... HOT.  Heather called me and asked the normal sisterly question " Holly when did you last have your period??" After giving her my answer her "OH SHIT response said it all"  Heather was going to have a baby, her life was going to change from kid mode back to the baby "safety" gate.  It took us all a couple of weeks to adjust to the new idea of a baby again.  But gradually the question marks that lingered in all our minds turned into exclamation points.  As Heathers belly grew so did the excitement of the entire family (minus Addy for most of the pregnancy).  In late October after a huge ordeal of finding out the sex of the baby we were all thrilled to hear that the baby in her tummie would be a girl!! Knowing Heather was having a girl for me at least changed everything, I never said the basic baby word anymore, and Hadley Anne became a word that got us all a little giddy with anticipation.  Heather was given two wonderful baby showers, and the pink started flooding the house like the Arizona sunshine.  The house changed, and conversations always led back to Hadley's arrival and when???? 

I was very fortunate to be there for Avery and Addison's birth.  With Avery the doctor kicked me out of the delivery room for crying to hard, and distracting my sister (whatever, I wasn't use to me not being in the spot light for once JK).  With Addison while Heather was at the hospital I was home with 2 1/2 year old Avery who was super super excited to be a big brother. He kept asking me over and over "was he here yet??" Waiting on the inevidable stork to make his delivery.  While Heather was delivering Addison, Avery and I stayed out in the hall, and I read the story Red Fish, Blue Fish One Fish, Two fish ... to drown out the sounds Heather was making from the other room.  I was there the first moments they entered this world, and Hadley's grande arival would be no different.  The holidays came and went in normal fashion. Sitto had become so excited for Hadley that I had to talk her out of buying a baby's first Christmas ornament considering Hadley would only be celebrating in utero.  January had fnally come, and that meant the much anticipated phone call "It's time?!".   I turned my ringer up higher, and slept with the phone on my night stand.  I had all the scenarios planned out, including warning my principal once I got the call I was out! Every time Heather would call I would answer the phone on pins and needles to hear her say " Hey Holly what are you dong?" I couldn't take it any more and I consider myself a girl with impeccable patience (shhh this is my blog so I can write what ever I want!).  On January 19th Heather called in the middle of me teaching to say, she thinks it may be tonight but to STAY AT WORK and wait for her phone call a little later. Yah right I was out of there so fast my students thought I just vanished into thin air.  Needless to say Hadley was not going to come tonight, but soon.... I couldn't take it anymore and decided if I just stare at Heather, literally following her every movement I would at least not worry about missing anything.  While I was driving to Tucson I was on google searching for ways to naturally induce labor. Heather vetoed the caster oil right off the bat:( I was prep, and planned ready with the up to date information on such a matter.  I got to the house, and Heather was even more moody, and grouchy then normal (and that is saying a lot).  She looked uncomfortable, and had no problem reminding me with her lack of patience it requires for a older sister to be around my fabulous self. 

Anyway back to Heather.. after dinner; hoping a full stomach might ease her mood and stubbornness?? We the inducing began, first we were running up and down her stairs, then we went into bouncing on her large ball, and lastly the grand finale of having her get on all fours, and moving around her hips.

The looks we were getting from the boys was priceless.  I have inserted a video I took of Heather post labor if you don't believe me on her mood.  The proof is in the pudding that is all I have to say.  After all of that she decided to head back into the kitchen for some.. you got it more food, and then we all heard her say " Guys I think my water just broke, or I am peeing my pants again" I also got this moment on camera as well.  

It was offically baby time, I was so excited I had packed two well thought out outfits to look my best in a having the baby in the morning, or having a baby during the day.  The time had come for me to put on my baby night outfit and we were off!! Everything was going great, I was there, Sitto was there, along with a special friend who did a double shift to be Heather's labor and delivery nurse.  Heather went the entire night with quite ease, joking all along the way. I was trying to soak up as much I am skinner then you feeling, because lets face it, this was going to be my last chance.

At about 11:00 am the room started getting busier, which meant Hadley was almost to the finish line.  Austin was going to deliver her, and watching him get detailed instructions from the doctor on what to do was truly priceless.  The doctors number one delivering tip for Austin was "Don't drop her, don't let her slip out of your hands" and she wasn't kidding around. 

Hadley was born 7 pounds 6 ounces, about an hour and a half later!! She had arrived not exactly in the best positon but she had arrived, and that was all that mattered.  It amazes me to this day how you can love someone so much before or just moments after you meet them.  To zero surprise she was perfect in every way, healthy, lots of hair, alertness, and of course her aunties great just woke up, just got out of bed natural beauty. 

It is funny how my most favorite word "Serendipity" ended up being the most perfect good future an aunt could ask for. I feel so privileged to be her aunt, and I can't wait for Olivia and I to take her under our lets act girlie wing, and drive my sister crazy!!! Welcome Hadley Anne Moore, I love you to pieces, and am so thrilled to have you in our family, you truly are the perfect addition!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

You Are My I Love You..

In 2004 I was blessed with the opportunity to become the mother of a beautiful, perfect baby girl.  From infancy I look back and reflect on Olivia's baby years as being fairly easy, minor bumps in the parenting road, but nothing I truly can even remember as I type this post.  She loved to play on the floor with her toys, as long as I was in sight she was content.  I was able to push her around in a stroller just about to age three.  Olivia started sleeping through the night at 4 months, and was easy to potty train, plus ween off a pacifier.  Since Olivia was my first child she was all I had to base my parenting meter on, and for the most part I was pleased with how it was going.  She was very cautious, and such a great rule follower.  I was able to dress her in anything I desired, any take her to many funtions that required stillness, and quite with very little worries (restaurant, church, weddings, etc.)  I guess in my seriously jaded motherly eyes Olivia was perfectly perfect.  On Olivia's first birthday she received a book titled You Are My I Love You, it was so adorable. My absolute favorite page was ... I am your carrot sticks; you are my licorice.  I am your dandelion you are my first wish.  The entire book compares the clam responsible parent to the fun loving excited child., how they both balance each other out.  I loved loved, loved, the book Olivia and I read it quite frequently, however I did find myself questioning if some of these examples depict the relationship Olivia and I were forming.  I am your quiet place; you are my wild.  I am your calm face; you are my giggle.  I am your wait you are my wiggle.  Even though I absolutely adored the book, and I enjoyed all the examples of parent vs. child I didn't quite see Olivia and I matching up to many of the fun loving examples. 

Then in 2008 I was anxious / worried  to become a mother of a boy.  I have to admit during most of my pregnancy I walked around in a lot of how will I?? what will I do?? monments.  " How can I be a good mother to a boy, I am so girlie?  Will they be close siblings due to the gender differences?  Will this child and I be able to relate?  One thing I didn't have to worry about was buying all new clothes, oh my gosh between Avery, Addison, Luke, and Finn, Brody is set for his childhood years.  He has a mass variety of clothing that would make any teenage girl green with envy.  One day during one of my worrying spells Heather said something to me that I think about daily and also apply it to other areas of my life.  " Holly God gives you what you can handle" and I promise the second you hold him in your arms, and smell his sweet smell it will be all over you will become head over heels in love with your boy, and just like your girl never want to be away from him for a second.  I am happy to report my sister couldn't have been more right... (I barely ever say that so I hope I get brownie points for that comment!) But I do have to say even though my excitement level and love for Brody was right on with how I felt for Olivia something was different.  As Brody started developing a personality ( three months old !) I couldn't help but notice how different my two children were.  I always tell people if I were to write a parenting book based on my parenting skills regarding Olivia, I would just throw that book away for how to parent Brody.  He was always on the go (started walking at 10 months,  scary ahhhh).  Got into everything and anything ( hello child safety devices I never even thought of).  Wanted to be held all the time, I think he has sat in his stroller maybe five times, and I am sure I am exaggerating.  I was developing quite a few parenting hypercritical moments with Brody (which Heather has no problem bringing to my attention any time she sees a window of opertunity).  The one major example that sticks out; even though I am sure there are many more ( all I would have to do is call Heather) are ...  I would sit or walk somewhere with my precious Olivia holding my hand, never wondering, thigh leaching, or nicely sitting in a shopping cart,  little girl.  So when I saw parents with those back pack leashes I was appalled.  I would say not only to myself but out loud how horrible that was, and why couldn't they control their child!!!   I went to this outdoor concert with him when he was about 18 months old and I thought he was just sitting on the blanket near Olivia; come to find out he was three families down trying to get a V.I.P invitation to a slice of pizza.  He hated the stroller, and was rapidly becoming to big for his carrier, holding my hand happened few and far between, and he had zero problem just taking off without any regard to the fact I wasn't even ready to move.  So what could a mother do??? We tried out the leash / backpack (wink, wink) at an arts festival in Fountain Hills and I have to admit for the most part it worked very well.  When we took the  leash on vacation with us to Lego Land, and with the minor exception of him freaking out if Olivia held it.  It too, become a wonderful not completely stressed running around like a chicken with her head cut off type of day. One night around the time Brody was nearing the age of two I found the You Are My I Love You Book from Olivia's book shelf, and became excited to share the book with Brody.  As I started reading it I could feel myself becoming quite emotional, and was unable to hold back my tears.  It hit me like a ton of bricks Brody was a perfect, I mean right on depiction of this book...I am your quiet place; you are my wild.  I am your wait; you are my wiggle.  I am your water wings; you are my deep and so on.

 I had finally figured out what Heather had meant when she said " God only gives you what you can handle" Olivia was my calm and cautious baby, where Brody is my crazy never slowing down, be ready for anything baby.  I thought to myself how perfect Olivia grounds me, and I am able to cuddle with her, read books together, so on and so on, but on the other hand Brody keeps me always guessing, on the go, being goofy, laughing daily, and best of all brings out my inner child.  With Olivia I have my practicality part of myself, and with Brody I have my crazy wild like self. How perfect I feel.  From that point on I couldn't help but beam with happiness that I wouldn't have it any other way.  Even though Olivia is my rule follower, by the book sort of girl which I most defiantly need in my life.  Brody may require more discipline but he makes each day a new adventure, I just never know or mostly am ready for what he is going to dish out, I just love it.  I sleep very well at the end of the day with Brody with a couple "  You wouldn't believe what Brody said or did today" thoughts to laugh about.  At the end of the day with Olivia I am thankful for her trustworthiness, and just all around great character.  Thank you Lord so very much for giving me the opportunity to parent both of these amazing children, I am humbly greatful, and seriously without doubt wouldn't want it any other way!!!!!