Sunday, February 26, 2012

Time to Even out the Ages!

Last night I was laying in my bed wondering how I was going to start this post, and something odd accrued to me.  I have never really been a superstitious person, not really caring what date important things happened on.  However as I have gotten older, and my OCD tendencies have worsened, I have noticed my love for symmetry in everything I encounter.  Which then lead me to my investigation of even numbers... Olivia, and Brody both are completely surrounded by even numbers.  Years of birth 2004 and 2008, actual days of birth the 10th, and the 16th.  Olivia my beautiful precious daughter, and Brody my rip roaring tornado boy.  And lastly they are exactly four years apart in age.  Which leads me the 2012 birthday celebrations..

Olivia Alise (8)....
True to fashion Olivia wanted a horseback riding party, and could really care less about any other party detail.  " I want to go riding, and bring a couple friends" was all she spoke.  Done!!

The pictures pretty much say it all, we had a total blast!! Olivia turns into such a confident, little girl when she saddles a horse. I was beaming with pride the entire party, not only for her advanced riding skills, but for the fact I was lucky enough to be Olivia's mother for another year.

Next up Brody Stephen (4)...

Brody Bear was turning four, which to him meant no car seat, being able to shoot a gun like Avery, and calling any child younger (even if by a week) a baby. Brody had declared he wanted a Chuckie Cheese party, with a spiderman cake.  Without any surprise he wanted Avery, and Addy at his party and could really care less who else attended.  So off to Chuckie Cheese we went (or as Austin likes to call it the ses pool of bacteria and germs). 

The following weekend we joined together with the Kearney and Bjerkestrand side to continue on the Birthday festivities.  The Harlem Globetrotters were in town, and Derek and I thought that would a perfect event to take Brody to. 

Another month of birthdays had ended, and I am pretty sure I was able to score an A on the birthday celebration report card.  I know all parents say this, and undoubtedly so I just can't believe how old they both are becoming.  I am so so so fortunate to be their mother, and am totally enjoying everyday, every minute life with my two crazy babies brings.