Monday, November 28, 2011

My Three Year Old's Reading Material...

Brody has always liked to hold small things ex. chapstick, tweezers, nail clippers, marbles, and Sitto's sewing measuring tape.  But when it comes to Brody's choices of books I just had to document them. 

 Here is an example of a normal toddlers selection of reading books.  Tons of pictures, big words, and pages that flip and do fun things. ...                                                       

Now here is an example of my son's reading materials. 

No joke Brody picked out the Salt Lake City Travel Guide at a used book store full of amazing children's books.  Even the lady at the counter couldn't help but laugh at his selection.  As for the Dictionary and The Daily Devotional book (absolutely zero pictures, and super tiny print) Derek fought and fought with Brody to leave those books in our office, but finally gave up the fight after endless nights of Brody choosing these for his bedtime story. And lastly the Holy Bible you see to the left was Sitto's that he up right and stole from her.  She had to start using another one, due to the fact that she too didn't want to keep fighting with him over his nap time choice for reading.  These books sit on his night stand and every night while I put him to bed this is what he chooses to read, so so hilarious.  I just adore you my little Brody Bear.